US stock market has been taking the beating since the beginning of the year due to supply chain shortage, inflation, Fed’s increase of interest rate and the fear of recession.
One of the US market indices, S&P 500 has dropped about 21% since the beginning of the year. What this means is that if you invested $1000 on 1st Jan 2022, the value of the investment is just about $790.
Here is a quick look at the returns of S&P 500 index since the beginning of the year until the end of june.
Although over all the index performed poorer, it does not mean there are not any winners. Here is aquick look at the top 15 stocks that did the best and the bottom 15 stocks the fared the worst within the S&P 500 companies, since the beginning of the year until the end of June 2022.
Not surprisingly the majority of the stocks in the top 15 are energy companies and a couple of Pharma companies like Vertex and Bristol-Meyers Squibb.
At the bottom 15, the company that took the most hit is Netflix with close to 100% drop, followed by Bath and Body Works, and Paypal