What is the annual returns of Netflix/NFLX since its IPO? Netflix(NFLX) Stock History and Annual Return Summary since its IPO Comparing Netflix(NFLX) Daily Returns on the same day for each year since IPO Annual summary level table and the yearly return percent bar … [Read more...] about Netflix (NFLX) Annual Return since IPO
Netflix (NFLX) Stock Price History
Performance of Netflix/NFLX Stock Price in the last 3 years Performance of Netflix/NFLX Stock Price in the last 5 years Performance of Netflix/NFLX Stock Price in the last 10 years Performance of Netflix/NFLX Stock Price since its IPO in 2002 … [Read more...] about Netflix (NFLX) Stock Price History
Facebook’s Yearly Stock Return History Since Its IPO
Facebook went public on May 18 2012. Since its IPO, Facebook has become one of the leading tech company stock with overall positive annual return. Here is a graph showing the annual return percent for Facebook since 2012 and as of 13th December 2021. … [Read more...] about Facebook’s Yearly Stock Return History Since Its IPO
Faceboook’s Stock Price History Since its IPO
Facebook/Meta went public on 18th May 2012. Here is a look at the stock price history since its IPO. Here is table with Facebook's annual opening and ending stock price history. … [Read more...] about Faceboook’s Stock Price History Since its IPO
How does Microsoft’s Return Compare with S&P 500 index
S&P 500, short for Standard and Poor's 500 is a US stock market index that tracks top 500 publicly traded US companies. S&P 500 is one of the market indices that measures the performance of US market performances. Let us compare how does the returns of Microsoft compare with S&P … [Read more...] about How does Microsoft’s Return Compare with S&P 500 index